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Why does sleep training fail?

general Jul 29, 2023

Let's unravel the sleep training puzzle.

Ah, sleep training – a magical journey that promises restful nights and happier days for both parents and babies alike. But what happens when this promised magic doesn't unfold as expected? Many families have embarked on the sleep training adventure only to find that it doesn't work as smoothly as they hoped. The truth is, sleep training can indeed be a game-changer, but success lies in finding the right combination of method and schedule that aligns with your child's unique needs and your family's lifestyle.

Actually, we posted some information about how staying in the room (and using sleep methods like that) can provide great results.  We (not surprisingly) received lots of comments like this:

"I tried that, and my babies freaked out.  I couldn't do leave and check, but I felt like I sat there for hours watching them cry instead."

"We tried this, patted to sleep, and it worked for a week, and then we were back to old habits because it stopped work."

WHY?  Seeing 1000s of families, we know exactly what happened!  The key?  "Staying In The Room Gentle Methods" all come in different flavors, and getting the right script to your child is the key, but it's also not the only ingredient.

The Sleep Training Puzzle

Imagine sleep training as a complex puzzle, with each piece representing a crucial aspect that must fit together harmoniously. Just like a puzzle, missing or misaligned pieces can lead to an incomplete picture. Similarly, sleep training may fail to deliver the desired results if all the puzzle pieces don't come together cohesively.

  1. The Right Sleep Training Method

The first puzzle piece is choosing the right sleep training method for your child. Various approaches, from the gentle Association Fading Method™ to more traditional methods like Ferber or Cry-It-Out, are available. Each method works differently for different children based on their temperament, age, and individual sleep challenges.  This means that even when you are IN the room, there's different combinations of how you guide and intervene in your child's learning process to fall asleep independently.  Things like too stimulating of voice guidance, patting or shushing TOO LONG or TOO SHORT, or having too many combinations of patting and pick up and rubbing all have impacts to a child.  You CAN stay in the room and guide a child, but what you do exactly will impact success. 

Evidence: Research published in the journal Pediatrics shows that responsive sleep training methods, like the Association Fading Method™, can lead to improved sleep outcomes and parent-child attachment compared to extinction-based methods (Crying-It-Out). It emphasizes the importance of choosing a gentle method that supports both the child's emotional needs and the family's values.

  1. Understanding Individual Sleep Needs

Each child is unique, and understanding their individual sleep needs is vital to successful sleep training. Factors such as age, developmental stage, and nap duration play significant roles in determining the ideal sleep schedule.

Evidence: A study published in the journal Sleep Medicine Reviews highlights that sleep requirements vary across different age groups and developmental stages. Customizing a sleep schedule according to a child's specific sleep needs can promote better sleep quality and duration.

  1. Consistency is Key

Consistency acts as the glue that holds the sleep training puzzle together. Maintaining a consistent sleep routine and sleep environment ensures that your child knows what to expect, making it easier for them to adjust to the new sleep habits.

Evidence: Research published in the journal Sleep Medicine shows that maintaining a consistent sleep routine significantly improves sleep quality and reduces night wakings in infants and toddlers. Consistency reinforces their circadian rhythm, leading to more restful sleep.

  1. Parental Expectations and Patience

Sleep training can be challenging, and it's essential to have realistic expectations and patience throughout the process. Progress may not happen overnight, but with perseverance and support, you'll eventually see positive changes.

Evidence: A study published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics highlights that sleep training success is linked to parents' understanding of realistic sleep expectations and their ability to respond to their child's cues with sensitivity and patience.

Embarking on the journey of sleep training is both exciting and transformative, but it's crucial to remember that the right combination of method, schedule, and support is key to unlocking sustainable sleep for your family. The puzzle pieces must align harmoniously to paint a complete picture of better sleep.

At Rested Mama, Happy Baby, we understand that every child and family is unique. Our evidence-based, gentle approach to sleep training, such as the Association Fading Method™, ensures that we create a customized sleep plan that resonates with your child's individual needs and your family's values. By considering all the puzzle pieces, we empower you to achieve sleep success that lasts a lifetime.

Remember, it's never too late to embark on the journey to better sleep. With patience, guidance, and support, your family can embrace the gift of restful nights and rejuvenating days.


  1. Mindell, J. A., Lee, C., & Goh, D. Y. (2015). Sleep and parenting: A bi-directional relationship. Pediatrics, 135(1), e234–e242.
  2. Gradisar, M., Jackson, K., Spurrier, N. J., Gibson, J., Whitham, J., Williams, A. S., & Dolby, R. (2016). Behavioral interventions for infant sleep problems: A randomized controlled trial. Pediatrics, 137(6), e20151486.
  3. Sadeh, A., Tikotzky, L., & Scher, A. (2010). Parenting and infant sleep. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 14(2), 89–96.
  4. Owens, J. A., & Mindell, J. A. (2005). Pediatric Insomnia. Pediatric Clinics of North America, 52(3), 729–743.
  5. Mindell, J. A., Telofski, L. S., Weigand, B., & Kurtz, E. S. (2009). A nightly bedtime routine: Impact on sleep in young children and maternal mood. Sleep, 32(5), 599–606.


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